Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hogsback, April 2010

In my quest to update our Blog, I've decided that brevity is best. Also, thanks to my pal Taryn, I've discovered the glories of photo collages, compliments of Picasa, which make putting pics in a breeze! Here we are hiking Hogsback. Having lived 25 years of life in Klamath Falls, it's somewhat criminal that this was my first time ascending the majestic heights of this landmark mountain. We enjoyed ourselves immensely, after the first 45 minutes. During that time, we weren't sure if we would make it or not! We haven't hiked much in the last eight years. We met a lovely marmot on the way (see top row, second from right). He looked so peaceful! I considered resting by him, maybe never moving again, but there are diseases to consider when resting with rotting rodents. We persevered, making it not only to Lone Pine (see bottom right photos), but to the very apex of Hogsback! What a view! The trip down was a little less spectacular, as we were fairly certain that, in our descent, we were surely endangering the precious cartilage in our knees. But we did make it, and I even made a return voyage four days later with my Essentials class (the writing/grammar/math-drill class I tutor for Classical Conversations). Seven 8-12 year-olds made it up with much less ado than I did (either time), and I only got us "lost" once! (Well, twice.) Joel and I plan to make this hike a tradition, but first we'll buy some of those hiking poles that look like ski poles. We aren't laughing at the people who use them anymore!!!
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1 comment:

Taryn said...

Rinda, your collages rock!!! Thanks for the shout out! I felt the love. hee hee. Hugs!