We're camping this summer and without having to leave home. For around a month we've been living with our back hallway (really just a pantry area) open to the elements. Well, there is/was plastic keeping a few of the elements out. I had torn the wall out in order to extend the new subflooring into that area because the 6 foot wide area will be extended to 8 and a 1/2 feet with the add-on.
Saturday, with the help of Brent Brewer, John Buckalew, and Bill Case, the plastic came down and the six feet of roof that were covering the back hallway (and our only bathroom!) came off. Fortunately, I had thought ahead and built a temporary wall between our bedroom and the now wide open construction area.
So now, in order to use the bathroom we have to step outside! See? Camping.

Then, in order to get plumbing to our new shower I had to tear out the 2x4 framed wall that formed the long side of our existing tub. I had the day off Monday and tore out the wall, reframed it in 2x6, and with the help of our friend (and architect) Brent Brewer drywalled it installed a new tub surround. Sorry, no pics as I was too busy but you can see the newly framed wall (near the ladder) in this photo:
That photo also shows the wall I framed tonight, the final one on this side of the house, our shower will take up that end of the addition (the windows will be in the shower).
And the final picture for our show and tell, hey look, a door! This one will be the door from my shop into the back hallway/mudroom

I won't tell you that my plans showed that section as a 2x4 wall (because it was existing) which I framed up early on (to hold up the roof) and then later installed the door.... Only to find out that because I had rebuilt it it needed to be 2x6. So that's what I did on Sunday.
It's been quite a week and I just finished up de-nailing and sorting all the shingles we tore off and putting the final touches on the tub spout in the bathroom. But I've still got a lot of work ahead. I've got to finish the shop walls before final truss measurements on Monday (the 21st). Before the 28th (when the trusses show up) I've got to finish all the interior walls (including reframing the bathroom wall that was formerly the back of the house), pulling the bathroom ceiling out, cleaning up the areas where the trusses will sit, sheet everything that isn't already and nail off all the sheeting. Yikes, be praying for us!